We desire to provide easy-to-prepare food to children who may otherwise not have anything to eat over the weekend. When kids go hungry they suffer in so many ways—emotionally, physically, and developmentally.

Children who struggle with hunger are more likely to have health issues, struggle academically, and have social and behavioral problems. It is our sincere hope that we can help fill the gap for these children. In this day and time, it is hard to imagine that anyone could not have enough to eat, but the statistics are staggering. Most of the schools in Jackson County are Title 1 schools, which means, many of their students are living at or below the poverty level.

Schoolgrades.georgia.gove/jackson-county state that 22% of our Jackson County students are economically disadvantaged. At this time, Backpack Kids serves four of the eleven schools in Jackson County and we are working to provide for more as we grow.